Leather History and Revisionism…

So from time to time I have to make the choice of either just letting this go for months without posts, or crossposting material from elsewhere. Today crossposting won. This is a slight modification of a response that turned into an essay on Fetlife (http://fetlife.com/groups/245/group_posts/217231) The original post concerned the perception of a strong undercurrent […]

Choking…with a long awaited story…

I actually feel kind of bad about posting right now. One of the girls noted I had a detractor back in April. I sent an ameliorative note, but it seems like I’m trying to push the blog ahead just to pave that under. I don’t moderate comments here and never intend to, and anonymous posting […]

Non-Consensual Figging Scene

Non-Consensual Figging Scene Note – comments on this page are disabled, because it is a very high hit on Google, and was attracting spam. Feel free to comment on other posts. So first of all, I should explain what figging is. I suspect most everyone reading this already knows, but I’ll be short column inches […]

Repo – the Genetic Opera

While this isn’t specifically on topic…this is a “sin” blog rather than a “sex” blog, and Repo has high fetish value, so I’m gonna “include it in.” So I spent the weekend with S. and she suggested a Saturday night entertainment.  She said REPO  was in town, and we should go see it.  I said […]

Additions to Website – Positions List

Not a lot of news from me in the past month or so. Life has been confused and busy. A lot of travel (more on that later) and a good bit of time under the weather. I’ve had the Protocols Manual on the website for quite a while, and I’ve had a lot of requests […]

Leniency and Discipline

Someone on FetLife recently asked a question about leniency in training. It would be inappropriate to quote precisely what was said out of that forum, but it was just exactly the question you’d expect a young Dom to ask and I can reference it as a case study without any indicators. Has a young girl […]

The Crucible Empty

So I’ve been a very faithless correspondent here the last few weeks. Where “few weeks” is almost exactly two months. Two months. I have not posted in two fewking months. Or talked to anyone, or been very good about getting back to people about fetish stuff. Short notes…”I’ll be back around in mid-October…” Excuses…Uhm…I was […]

MAsT – Masters, slaves, and volunteer management

As anyone I talk to knows, and as I’ve posted here, I’m pretty much immersed in a project until the end of the month, so I’ve been very scarce. That said I wanted to take a moment to just post a few thumbnails about MAsT in DC. There have been some good posts on FetLife […]

Fetlife, myself as a Dom, revelations about women, and bondage straps…

So it seems these days the only time I get to write in this blog is on the train. And realistically I ought to be doing other things, but it’s seductive just to ignore them. This will be the last post (such as it is) for two weeks. Next week is a production week for […]

Rambling Notes, Fetlife, Ugly Art…

Rambling Personal NotesThis may in fact be my worst blog entry ever. I have very little instructional to say and this is going to come very close to a chatty “personal” entry of the type that I generally deplore. But in this case it’s a way to keep in touch with people and it’s more […]